How to distinguish coal briquetting machine and biomass briquetting machine
There are 2 kinds of briquettes machines in the market, one is biomass briquetting machine, and the other is coal briquetting machine. Most people are only familiar with one kind of them. As a result, when one wants to buy a coal briquetting machine, he may find the biomass one, or vise versa.
But how to distinguish coal and biomass briquetting machines?
- They process different raw materials.
Materials and Final Briquettes for Biomass Briquetting Machine

Materials and Final Briquettes for Coal Briquetting Machine

- Their final products briquettes have different shapes.
Coal briquettes are round, pillow, oval shape, usually can be 18-80mm in size. While biomass briquettes are cuboid, cylinder or polygon prism shapes, usually 50-100mm in diameter and 480-500mm in length.
The briquettes have different usages. Coal briquettes are made from collected waste coal powder to be used for heating, cooking or as fuel in power generation plants, while mineral powder briquettes are used for smelting, building material, chemical and mining industries. Biomass briquettes are mainly used for cooking, heating or barbecue.

Knowing the differences between coal briquetting machine and biomass briquetting machine will help you better realize their advantages and usages, and ultimately help you to choose the one that suits you best. We have various models of coal and mineral powder briquetting machines for you to choose from. If you want to know more, please contact us at anytime!
- Hydraulic Briquette Press
- Industrial Briquette Maker
- Screw Briquette Machine
- Biomass Briquetting Plant

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